So going back to school is just around the corner, and I got totally excited this week when little lady and I got all of her school uniforms from a fabulous outlet store while on vacation! I was able to get her all the outfits she will need for the year plus a few extras for those weeks where laundry isn’t the most important thing on my list, (that is usually happens around the holidays)! So in honor of this fantastic find of uniforms at a great buy I decided that a giveaway was in order. So here it goes, I will be giving away a backpack with matching lunch tote that you design of course! This is how to enter…
How To Enter
1.) Email us at info@sewgirlie.com and tell us how you would design your backpack and I will make a lunch tote to match!
*Ribbon *font *thread color * Tote Bag Color *Your monogram, name or single initial.
2.) For an extra entry, post on your blog! (just let us know you did so you can get the extra entry)
3.) Become one of our blog followers, for an extra entry.
4.) Refer a Friend! Have your friend comment that they were referred by you, and you and your friend receive an extra entry!
5.) Each step above will provide more chances to enter the contest.
6.) If you happen to be the lucky winner we will notify you by email! Contest ends August 21st , 2009.
Incomplete entries will automatically be disqualified.
No purchase necessary.
Be sure to check back next month when we honor our teachers for a HUGE and Exciting Giveaway!